Advanced aesthetic technology

Aesthetic technology of contrasts

The image shows a woman's face with water falling on her left side.

A nourished, hydrated and oxygenated skin is a young and alive skin

Innovations in professional aesthetic equipment

Today Hydrotherapy is officially recognized as a therapy with high potential, both from the therapeutic point of view and from the economic point of view. 

The success of Hydrotherapy treatments does not lie in the water itself, but in the result of applying thermal stimuli (cold - heat) to the body.

Our technology is based on this principle and allows the professional to carry out hydrotherapy treatments with hot and cold applications, from the comfort of a stretcher and without the patient needing to be in direct contact with the water.

With our treatments we perform successive and controlled applications of heat and cold Thermal Contrasts, which causes true vascular gymnastics and its most notable effects are:

    1st.- We provide heat, as if it were a sauna, causing vasodilation, which causes significant sweating with the consequent elimination of toxins and liquids, collaborating very effectively in fluid retention problems.

This effect rebalances our blood, making it more alkaline, thus acting directly on free radicals and on delaying aging.

This vasodilation greatly facilitates the penetration of any active principle that we use in the treatment.

The elimination of toxins is undoubtedly one of the most notable effects of Thermal Contrast treatments, since through it a deep cleansing of all tissues is produced.

   2º.- In a second phase, with the cold application, we provoke a reaction of the organism, which to heat those areas, sends a blood bath to those treated tissues and with that blood go hydration, oxygenation and nutrients.

In short, we set in motion the natural regeneration mechanisms of elastin, collagen, ... with which we not only nourish, oxygenate and hydrate, but also tone and reaffirm all those treated tissues.

On the other hand, there is another very significant effect and that is that the blood takes the heat and energy it needs to heat itself from the fat deposits, so at the same time we are nourishing and firming, (toning), the tissues, we are burning and eliminating fat, acting very effectively in reducing volume.

With our technology, we can say that while we lose weight we reaffirm.

  • One of the great problems of aesthetics is flaccidity, consequence of aging, weight loss programs, etc. The applications of Thermal Contrasts have as their most outstanding derived effects the reaffirmation of the tissues, the revitalization and the strengthening of them.

  • Our skin ages, because as we get older, our blood, which is the one that carries nutrients, hydration and oxygenation, instead of flowing to our skin, is concentrated especially inside to feed our vital organs. With our Thermal Contrast technology, we make our body react and provide in each contrast a blood bath to all these tissues and our skin, hydrating, nourishing and oxygenating them.

Aesthetic technology of contrasts

The image shows a woman's face with water falling on her left side.

A nourished, hydrated and oxygenated skin is a young and alive skin

With our technology, we can say that while we lose weight we reaffirm.

  • One of the great problems of aesthetics is flaccidity, consequence of aging, weight loss programs, etc. The applications of Thermal Contrasts have as their most outstanding derived effects the reaffirmation of the tissues, the revitalization and the strengthening of them.

  • Our skin ages, because as we get older, our blood, which is the one that carries nutrients, hydration and oxygenation, instead of flowing to our skin, is concentrated especially inside to feed our vital organs. With our Thermal Contrast technology, we make our body react and provide in each contrast a blood bath to all these tissues and our skin, hydrating, nourishing and oxygenating them.

Innovations in professional aesthetic equipment

Today Hydrotherapy is officially recognized as a therapy with high potential, both from the therapeutic point of view and from the economic point of view. 

The success of Hydrotherapy treatments does not lie in the water itself, but in the result of applying thermal stimuli (cold - heat) to the body.

Our technology is based on this principle and allows the professional to carry out hydrotherapy treatments with hot and cold applications, from the comfort of a stretcher and without the patient needing to be in direct contact with the water.

With our treatments we perform successive and controlled applications of heat and cold Thermal Contrasts, which causes true vascular gymnastics and its most notable effects are:

    1st.- We provide heat, as if it were a sauna, causing vasodilation, which causes significant sweating with the consequent elimination of toxins and liquids, collaborating very effectively in fluid retention problems.

This effect rebalances our blood, making it more alkaline, thus acting directly on free radicals and on delaying aging.

This vasodilation greatly facilitates the penetration of any active principle that we use in the treatment.

The elimination of toxins is undoubtedly one of the most notable effects of Thermal Contrast treatments, since through it a deep cleansing of all tissues is produced.

   2º.- In a second phase, with the cold application, we provoke a reaction of the organism, which to heat those areas, sends a blood bath to those treated tissues and with that blood go hydration, oxygenation and nutrients.

In short, we set in motion the natural regeneration mechanisms of elastin, collagen, ... with which we not only nourish, oxygenate and hydrate, but also tone and reaffirm all those treated tissues.

On the other hand, there is another very significant effect and that is that the blood takes the heat and energy it needs to heat itself from the fat deposits, so at the same time we are nourishing and firming, (toning), the tissues, we are burning and eliminating fat, acting very effectively in reducing volume.

Aesthetic technology of contrasts

The image shows a woman's face with water falling on her left side.

A nourished, hydrated and oxygenated skin is a young and alive skin

With our technology, we can say that while we lose weight we reaffirm.

  • One of the great problems of aesthetics is flaccidity, consequence of aging, weight loss programs, etc. The applications of Thermal Contrasts have as their most outstanding derived effects the reaffirmation of the tissues, the revitalization and the strengthening of them.

  • Our skin ages, because as we get older, our blood, which is the one that carries nutrients, hydration and oxygenation, instead of flowing to our skin, is concentrated especially inside to feed our vital organs. With our Thermal Contrast technology, we make our body react and provide in each contrast a blood bath to all these tissues and our skin, hydrating, nourishing and oxygenating them.

Innovations in professional aesthetic equipment

Today Hydrotherapy is officially recognized as a therapy with high potential, both from the therapeutic point of view and from the economic point of view. 

The success of Hydrotherapy treatments does not lie in the water itself, but in the result of applying thermal stimuli (cold - heat) to the body.

Our technology is based on this principle and allows the professional to carry out hydrotherapy treatments with hot and cold applications, from the comfort of a stretcher and without the patient needing to be in direct contact with the water.

With our treatments we perform successive and controlled applications of heat and cold Thermal Contrasts, which causes true vascular gymnastics and its most notable effects are:

    1st.- We provide heat, as if it were a sauna, causing vasodilation, which causes significant sweating with the consequent elimination of toxins and liquids, collaborating very effectively in fluid retention problems.

This effect rebalances our blood, making it more alkaline, thus acting directly on free radicals and on delaying aging.

This vasodilation greatly facilitates the penetration of any active principle that we use in the treatment.

The elimination of toxins is undoubtedly one of the most notable effects of Thermal Contrast treatments, since through it a deep cleansing of all tissues is produced.

   2º.- In a second phase, with the cold application, we provoke a reaction of the organism, which to heat those areas, sends a blood bath to those treated tissues and with that blood go hydration, oxygenation and nutrients.

In short, we set in motion the natural regeneration mechanisms of elastin, collagen, ... with which we not only nourish, oxygenate and hydrate, but also tone and reaffirm all those treated tissues.

On the other hand, there is another very significant effect and that is that the blood takes the heat and energy it needs to heat itself from the fat deposits, so at the same time we are nourishing and firming, (toning), the tissues, we are burning and eliminating fat, acting very effectively in reducing volume.

Hydrotherapy is as old as man and the therapeutic power of water has been recognized and used in all times and by most cultures.

Hydrotherapy is as old as man and the therapeutic power of water has been recognized and used in all times and by most cultures.

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Hydrotherapy is as old as man and the therapeutic power of water has been recognized and used in all times and by most cultures.

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